You have probably seen several Zerowater ads on TV or social media promoting the benefits of filtering your water. Moreover, you must have thought about getting yourself a Zerowater filter too to get better quality water for yourself and your family. But have you ever wondered how a simple filter like that could remove so many solids from your water and How long do ZeroWater Filters Last?
How Long Do ZeroWater Filters Last?
No specific number of days or expiry dates tell us when a filter will become outdated. It depends on the type of water, the quality of the filter, and the frequency of utility.
On average, Zerowater filters can last anywhere between 3 to 5 months. The main factor determining the filter’s age is the water being filtered. A regular Zerowater filter can be used to filter up to 40 gallons of water that have a low number of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids).
On the other hand, if the value of TDS is high in the water, it is recommended that you don’t use it for more than 8 gallons.
What Are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)?
The term TDS refers to the amount of non-organic impurities that can be found in a specific sample of water. Although water has a lot of non-organic impurities in it, the main one that we use to measure TDS is Sodium.
A Zerowater filter removes up to 99% of this Sodium from your water. The more you use it and the higher the concentration of TDS in your water, the earlier you will need to replace your filter.
Why Do We Need To Filter TDS From Our Water?
Excess of everything is bad. Although we need minerals and nutrients from our diets to fulfill our body’s energy requirements, too much can be bad for our health. Natural water collects a lot of minerals and other non-organic impurities that if consumed untreated, can make us very sick.
A high intake of sodium can lead to a high risk of rising blood pressure, risk heart diseases, osteoporosis, and stomach cancer. This is why we need to remove any kind of impurities that might harm our health.
When you reduce the sodium content in your diet, you will notice certain changes. Such as ÂÂÂÂÂthat you and your family more water and lesser sugar drink mix as the water they add will not affect the taste of the mixture in any way.
How TDS Levels Affect The Lifespan Of Your Filter?
Every product has a lifespan. It will either wear out or will not perform as efficiently after a certain time and after a certain number of usages. As discussed earlier, the same is the case with Zerowater filters.
The following table shows us what level of TDS in the water a Zerowater filter can filter on average before needing a replacement.
TDS in Water | Amount of Water Recommended | Descriptions | Impurities Level |
000-001 | N/A | Not available in any known area. | Acceptable by the FDA definitions |
002-050 | 40 | Occurs naturally in a few areas but is unhealthy. | Low |
051-200 | 25-40 | Abundant in the US | Average |
201-300 | 15-25 | A bit Short filter life span | High |
301-400 | 8-15 | Very short filter life span | Slightly High |
More than 400 | 8 and Less | Extremely short filter life span | Extremely High |
What Impurities Can A Zerowater Filter Remove Effectively?
A Zerowater filter can effectively filter out fluoride, sodium, mercury, and chromium. These filters are designed in such a way that it filters out almost all of the organic compounds from the water.
It can filter out fluoride if it is present in a little amount, but it will last quickly if the concentration is high. To completely get rid of fluoride in water, you will have to use reverse osmosis. The downside to using this process is that it removes even that fluoride that is needed by the body.
Is It Really Necessary To Filter Out TDS From Our Water?
To be honest, many people believe that if we filter out water, it loses its properties, its nutritional value. To some true extent, natural water has a lot of nutrients in it that are necessary for the human body.
But today, safe and natural drinking water is very scarce. With land, wind and air pollution being rampant, almost all water bodies have been affected. This pollution introduces several chemicals and microscopic bacteria into the water bodies that can prove to be quite harmful to humans if consumed.
This is why we need to filter water before drinking it.
Are There Alternatives To Zerowater Filters That Might Last A Bit Longer?
Yes, there are! You can get your hands on a reverse osmosis system from $200 to $250. This type of filtration system actively removes up to 98% of TDS from your water. It gives you filtered water just at the push of a lever. It is a very good long-term solution for getting rid of TDS from your water.
How Do I Know That It Is Time For My Filter To Get Changed?
Different companies and models offer different methods of indicating if the filter has expired and needs change. Some have readings, others have light indicators to show if the filter has been used to filter a certain number of TDS.
The readings on a TDS meter are approximate numbers of dissolved solids in measured samples of water. These are measured based on the resistance that they show to an electrical charge that is passed through the water.
In most Zerowater filters, a value of 6 is used to identify the expiry date of that filter.
Now that you have gone through this article, I am sure that you will be much clearer about the technical know-how of a Zerowater filter, its benefits, and how long do ZeroWater filters last. I hope your queries were answered through my article. Thank you for giving it a read and Good Luck!

I like you use water every day in everything I do. I love to find better ways to filter water I drink, soften hard water and find amazing water bottles for when I’m on the go.
I want to share what I find with you and review the options you might be looking for.
Author Profile – Tony Cosentino