How Much Water Should You Drink A Day? 1

Do you ever feel hydrated and relieved once you drink that glass of water? Well, we want to stay hydrated always. However, you might be constantly worried about whether you are drinking enough water or not.

It is essential whether you take it before or after a meal, whenever thirsty, or after an exercise session. What about the overall daily intake? Is there a specific amount? Please keep reading to find out more.

The Benefits of Drinking Water

Our body weight is made up of 50% to 70% water. Therefore, our body needs water for survival. This also means that there are numerous benefits associated with the drinking of water. Below are examples;

It helps get rid of wastes

Water is very essential in processes such as defecation, perspiration, urination, and sweating. These wastes need to be removed from the system.

Helps in the formation of saliva

Saliva is mainly composed of water and helps in breaking down solid food. The more you take in fluids, the more your body produces saliva.

Keeps the temperature normal

Water helps in regulating your body temperature through a cooling effect when youth sweat evaporates. Therefore, drinking water will control your body temperature.

Lubricates the joints

Drinking water helps in lubricating your joints and this will help lessen conditions experienced in such body parts.

Keeps our bodies hydrated

We lose fluids in our bodies through sweat, perspiration, and urine hence we may become dehydrated. To compensate for the loss, drinking water can help.

Helps indigestion

Taking water before, during, and after a meal will help the body break down the food easily. Therefore, your digestion process will take place easily and efficiently.

Helps prevent constipation

Other than taking fiber, you can drink water to prevent constipation. This will help control your bowel movement. Moreover, drinking water can help ease constipation symptoms.

How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?

We engage in activities that make us lose the water in our bodies daily. The water lost through sweat, urine, perspiration, and breath needs to be replaced. This calls for us to compensate through drinking water or consuming fluids and food that contain it.

Moreover, as a healthy human being, you need a constant water supply in your system for it to function well. Nonetheless, constant hydration with water or other fluids whenever you feel thirsty is also okay.

How Much Water Should You Drink A Day
Therefore, how much water should you drink in a day? At one time, you might have heard of drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day or maybe have practiced it. However, that amount could be just enough for some people, whereas others can do more than that. Still, some can take an amount less than the 8 glasses.

Experts, however, say that the amount of water required by your body depends on your body size and weight, your activity level, and your environment. Hence, the 8 glasses a day may not be applicable. One expert mentions that you should drink half an ounce to an ounce of water daily for every pound you weigh.

Additionally, according to the National Academies of Sciences, an average, healthy adult male living in a temperate climate requires about 15.5 cups (3.7) liters of fluids daily.

On the other hand, an average, healthy female living under the same conditions will require around 11.5 cups (2.7) liters of fluids daily. The fluids recommended range from water and other beverages and food.

However, the Institute of Medicine suggests that men drink about 3 liters of water daily, women consume a little over 2 liters per day. Also, they recommend pregnant women to drink about 10 cups of water daily while those breastfeeding need about 12 cups.

Additionally, you can check on the amount of water you need and if you are drinking enough by checking the color of your urine. If it is clear and very light yellow with less odor, is less dehydrated. On the other hand, if the color is darker and the urine smells a lot, you are very dehydrated and hence need lots of water.

Moreover, you can also know that you are dehydrated when you feel thirsty. Hence, whenever you get thirsty, grab a glass of water and drink it to keep hydrated. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, you can add some water in between your meals, before, during, and after an exercise, or still, substitute your can of soda with a bottle of drinking water.

You can take water in other forms such as vegetable and fruit smoothies, beverages, and fruit juices. Importantly, drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated.

Factors Affecting Water Intake

Some factors also help determine the amount of water consumed by an individual. They include the following;


Participating in vigorous activities such as exercising makes you sweat a lot. Therefore, you need to drink an extra amount of water to compensate for the lost fluid. Importantly, you can drink water before, during, and after the workout session.


Those who live in hot or humid environments need to drink water to recover those lost when they sweat constantly. Moreover, high altitudes increase the level of dehydration in an individual. This, therefore, calls for drinking an extra amount of water.

Health Condition

If you are sick and constantly have a fever, diarrhea, or vomit, your body loses a lot of fluid. To replace the water lost, you need to increase the amount of water you drink. Furthermore, if you are suffering from bladder infections, you will need to control the amount of fluid you take.


Water plays a vital role in our body system. Therefore, it is essential to drink it to stay hydrated. However, there is no standard amount of water an individual should take. This is affected by numerous factors as highlighted in the article. All in all, grab that water, drink it, and stay healthy.

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  1. I completely agree with you that drinking water can be incredibly refreshing and hydrating. However, I would love to hear more about the specific benefits you have experienced from staying hydrated. Have you noticed any improvements in your overall health or energy levels? Additionally, do you have any tips or recommendations for staying consistently hydrated throughout the day?

  2. Absolutely! Staying hydrated is so important for overall health and well-being. After reading this post, I have realized that I need to be more conscious of my water intake and make it a priority in my daily routine. My personal goal is to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. I plan to keep a water bottle with me at all times and set reminders on my phone to ensure I stay on track. I believe that staying properly hydrated will not only make me feel physically better,

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